Friday, May 15, 2009

Exam Journal: Week 1 - When it rains.

It was raining that morning. It was still early, and we were so young. This is a race. But we're going no where. I am so nervous. I sit and listen to the sound that was coming from the eastern front.

I might not come back. So I decided to write this journal in the hope that people can see this as I see it from my own eyes.

Day 1: EST 1 & 2
The frontline was dispatched. It was easy. It seemed easy. Just too easy.

Day 2: B.CINA 1 & 2/ B.INDIA 1 & 2
Some of us stayed back a bit. But we prayed for our brothers in arms as we watch them fade.

Day 3: B.MELAYU 1 & 2
Those that were despatched during the first day were called back. We were regrouped. We sit and listen, waiting for the clock to strike 0740 for that is the time we are expecting a strike. We're out of time.

Day 4: B.I. I & II
I see some familiar tired yet determined faces of my brothers around me. We got up early again today, way before the sunrise. We would just wish we could drown our sorrow and see a new tomorrow. I find it hard to write this journal.

I never saw it coming. A simple trial, yet so exhausting.

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