Sunday, July 26, 2009

Goodbye, Yasmin

Yasmin Ahmad
July 1, 1958 - July 25, 2009

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Hari Koperasi

After going through a very weird day, I feel like writing something random... uhh... haiku! Let's see what comes up.

Won't you come and see,
We got talents?
I never knew.

The judges!
Down and down and down you go,
Never satisfied.

Covered with the flowers,
The sweet-smelling perfumes,
On this table of ours.

Beautiful sisters,
We all adore you, but --
There's something on your arms!

After barbecuing --
chickens, how full they feel,
as it fills their stomachs!

Dark clouds please hurry,
come down with rain to end this,
I wanna go home.

Thank you for reading my random haiku -- so plural would be 'haikus' right?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My birthday


Saturday, June 20, 2009

The owner of the last white rose (cont'd)

There was no owner. I threw the last rose away. Finding the owner was tough.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Where the lines overlap

You know the state you are in when you are at the fringe of a dream; not quite asleep and not awake yet? This is something like that.

The last days of the holiday. You just can't get over it!

Friday, June 05, 2009

This One Future

President Barack Obama ended his speech at Cairo University in Cairo, Egypt today with this for us to think of:

"We have the power to make the world we seek, but only if we have the courage to make a new beginning, keeping in mind what has been written. The Holy Quran tells us, Mankind, we have created you male and a female. And we have made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another.

The Talmud tells us, The whole of the Torah is for the purpose of promoting peace.

The Holy Bible tells us, Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.

The people of the world can live together in peace. We know that is God's vision. Now that must be our work here on Earth."

This man speaks of a future for all mankind. If what has been written is true and will happen, then this future may be impossible. But it is the one future I sought after. The one future I won't let you disagree with.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

My play was selected for the Short+Sweet Festival Malaysia 2009

Short+Sweet is a festival of theatres tha started out in Australia. It had grown exponentially and now had spread to Asia, and finally came to Malaysia and Singapore.

The good news is... I received this mail:

"Dear Muhaimin,

Congratulations! Your 10 minute play 'While She Lasts' has been selected as a staged reading.
We will be posting this information on our S+S website, and meeting up with you and the directors week commencing June 22nd.
Thanks for responding to our call for writers.

Faridah Merican
S+S Festival Director"

It's only for a staged reading, not a real peformance. But to me, that is BIG! I mean, how often is your script got accepted for anything? Ask me. I should know. And now, someone finally open up for my story.

The bad news is... The world will never see the day my parents let me go to one of these festivals.


Monday, June 01, 2009

1st of June

Who says June was holiday? (Hint: Extra class)

Oh -- my dear -- God.

Monday: Pend. Islam/Moral and Fizik
Tuesday: Sejarah and Add Math
Wedenesday: BM and BI

Anyway, here be pictures:

The thought of having to go to school durng the holidays depresses most of us. Be strong dear friends.

And don't you EVER doubt about it!

We still have time to snap pictures though:

Remember that movie called Knowing starring Nicolas Cage, where he finds a time capsule containing numbers that predict the future and have to stop an apocalypse? Well, he might have missed a few numbers.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

The owner of the last white rose

I made a huge amount of paper roses for Teachers Day.

But the owner of the last white rose didn't come that day. It makes me think tat the rose didn't belong to her. So I'm searching for a new owner.

P/S: That is the real picture of the rose taken with a powerful camera. It's about 3/4 times smaller.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Exam Journal: Week 3 - "I was what you are, you will be what I am."

Einstein once said, "The life of the individual has meaning only in so far as it aids in making the life of every living thing nobler and more beautiful."

Who am I kidding? After my past three weeks experience, I don't believe I'm getting any better. I don' think my life has any meaning so far. Most would notice.

Day 12
I woke up with half my face covered in sand. They were packing up now. Ready to go. We walked. What I stepped on has become less and less sandy and more rocky with pebbles and stones. The heat is receding. It's much more cooler now. Thank God.

Day 13
The day I felt so tired. Even lifting my legs felt like an effort. I can't remember the last time I was fully rested. They say we're at war. But I asked myself, "Where's the enemy?" This is a trial before the battle. A journey. A run. But where are we running to? Or is it proper to use the word "from"? Where the hell are we heading? What are we fighting? All communication seems lost. We're on our own.

Day 14: Maths 1 & 2
The wind picks up. There was a layer of mist. We can't see where we're going. We just went forward and just head what's in our way with a tenuous layer of desperation.

Day 15 : Add Maths 1 & 2
The wind from the day before evolved into a storm. It was raining and the wind was blowing us apart. It was cold and the wind chilled us to the bones. In the storm, we walked. In the storm, I thought I saw shadows. Not people of ours. Just shadows in the rain. Stalking us. Then disappeared. I wonder if the enemies are watching us. Then I saw her. At least I thought I did. And she looked away.

Day 16: Chemistry 1 & 2
This is where I said I had enough. This weariness, no one should ever feel. We've finally came about 10km radius of the centre behind the enemy line. My hands and legs are killing me. We are just a long line of walking displays of bruises. I'm not sure if I'll be fit enough for the battle, ultimately. My friends are doing pretty well to my surprise. What was once a queue of saints are now a parade of cursing sailors.

Day 17: Chemistry 3 & Biology 3
As we get nearer to the centre of it all, the rain and the rapid wind grew stronger. But still we kept on walking. But everyone stopped in their paths because in front of us was the eye of the storm. The place where everything is calm and peaceful; in the middle of the tornado. Step in and we're dry. Step in and we're safe. Step in and we might face the enemy. There's no turning back, so some of us just walked in. The rest waited. I waited. Then, they came out. Not all. Only some of them. Those that came out was either crying or laughing. Whatever's in there, it's madness.

Day 18: Biology 1 & 2
After a long wait, and no one else came out, the second batch walked in. Time stood still in there. I was alone. My friends were gone, probably heading for their own unique trials. What I saw in front of me was horror. A 4-year worth of failure. Something so hideous, so painful to look at. Something that I have buried deep in the past and should've never been exhumed. In front of me was a single piece of mirror. Nothing else. And for the first time in more than four years, I realized the only thing that stood in my way was myself. I felt a rapid hope loss. I saw my parents, our old house, my old friends, and all the places and faces I've come to fear the most from my childhood. Whoever crafted that mirror must've been a devil. I looked around, there was no one. I just somehow can't break this mirror or even make my way around it. So I turn and walked away as my reflection, the one trapped in that mirror, looked down on me. I could almost hear "Eris quod sum" being uttered.

But now I'm back. Back to the place I started at. I've been locking myself in this damn room in this damn empty house, writing the final pages of this journal, like I've never wanted out.

Monday, May 25, 2009

I Want My Money Back.

You're the one that I've been calling for.

But you saw me today, and looked away. Considering that that's pretty rude, and it's hard for me to talk when your people are all around.

You were great. I enjoyed the show.

But, in the words of Lenka, "I want my money back."

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Exam Journal: Week 2 - Hours are as subtle as shards of glass to the skin.

I am wrting this entry from a comfort of knowing that I can rest for a while without really thinking much about anything. It is late afternoon, and the shadows are about to lengthen but the warmth of the sand still lingers. I have a deep conviction that this is the last journal entry I shall make, but even if I nor these words survived, I still need to record the week.

For the first time since the journey began, there rose in us a spring of hope.

Day 5
We reached the first checkpoint behind the enemy line. It's like a rubicon. We've crossed it. There's no turning back. We packed, and licked our wounds.

Day 6
The radio seemed to be off for quite a while. No respond. We don't know what to do. All we could do was wait for what's coming.

Day 7: Teacher's Day
Amidst the silent and the tension of the battle, we found the time to celebrate those who had prepared us for the world, and beyond. For some, it wasn't important. But for most, it was a necessity

Day 8: Sejarah 1
The plan was simple. The reasoning part was not. Get in. Get out. Easy as that. But the problems we faced in between those two was the real question. But I believe, so deeply in my heart, that all we needed to do was learn from the mistakes that our fathers made.

Day 9: Sejarah 2 & Fizik 2
Now the real test begin. We must really learn from who has come before us. It's like we're crawling in a tunnel. So dark, and our bodies are wet and the equipment we brought with us are so heavy. Not seeing where we're going. The only hope is knowing that at the end of this path is a light. A light not yet found.

Day 10: Fizik 3 & Fizik 1
As we reached the end of that tunnel, we don't need to count, we don't even really need to think. We just ran! For some it was easy, the rest just falling behind.

Day 11: P. Islam 1 & 2 // P. Moral
We stopped. In front of us is a vast desert. Far as the eyes could see with the sunlight searing our skin. There are always deserts in most religious stories. I always wonder why. Maybe because the desert gives the image of wondering, or being lost trying to find our way, of searching for something; the truth perhaps, the answers maybe. Revelation. It is then I realized that this is not just a battle; it's a crusade. So, without knowing the outcome or what's at the end, we crossed the sea of sand one by one...

But eveything is just too much. The heat. They ought to slow it down if not stop it. Either that or our heads are going to 'pop'...

The sun is failing and I can bearely see the pages. But one thing's for sure: We needed this week.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


I was at Senai Airport again today, and I saw Tn Hj Aminolhuda Hassan on his way to London. No pictures (of him). That is all.

EDIT: I found out on Teacher's Day that while I saw Tn Hj Aminolhuda, Tn Hj Zulkipli saw me! Heh.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Exam Journal: Week 1 - When it rains.

It was raining that morning. It was still early, and we were so young. This is a race. But we're going no where. I am so nervous. I sit and listen to the sound that was coming from the eastern front.

I might not come back. So I decided to write this journal in the hope that people can see this as I see it from my own eyes.

Day 1: EST 1 & 2
The frontline was dispatched. It was easy. It seemed easy. Just too easy.

Day 2: B.CINA 1 & 2/ B.INDIA 1 & 2
Some of us stayed back a bit. But we prayed for our brothers in arms as we watch them fade.

Day 3: B.MELAYU 1 & 2
Those that were despatched during the first day were called back. We were regrouped. We sit and listen, waiting for the clock to strike 0740 for that is the time we are expecting a strike. We're out of time.

Day 4: B.I. I & II
I see some familiar tired yet determined faces of my brothers around me. We got up early again today, way before the sunrise. We would just wish we could drown our sorrow and see a new tomorrow. I find it hard to write this journal.

I never saw it coming. A simple trial, yet so exhausting.

Monday, May 11, 2009

The holiest event of our time.

A cluster of schools. We're a part of it.

Friday, May 08, 2009


Finally, after a long wait, we found out that the mid-year exam will be held on the 12th of May 2009. That's less than a week away.

Don't forget to pray.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009


I've been waiting for this day.
The day of reckoning.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

In cold sweat

It has finally caught up with me. Sickness, I mean.

After more than a year of health (I've been coming to school and having perfect attendance since the 2nd term of 2007), I've finally fallen sick.

I woke up two days ago with cold sweat running down my back in the middle of the night. I can't breathe. Something was blocking my breathing passage. My throat was hurting like hell. I can't even swallow. I feel nauseous and light-headed. Drowsy. I was even hallucinating, for God sake. I experienced fear. My body was heating up. It was the fear in certain death. But it's normal for a person to hallucinate while having a cold. But the last time that happened to me was when I was six or so.

This went on for two days.

It was a complete waste of time. I wish I hadn't been sick. I can't focus. I can't even sit upright. I can't read or do revision. And I just found out that the mid-year is on the 13th or 14th of May. That's a week away.

But still, my health is much more important than that. I mean, if I was sick, how am I supposed to take the exam? I rather be healthy and failed the exam than be sick and feel like I'm being tortured.

Anyway, I finally went to the clinic. The doctor prescribed me some very strong medication. It will last for about a month. The doctor said, either I take that for a month or I could go for a surgery to take out whatever that’s blocking my breathing passage.

I will gladly take the medication.

And this pretty much explain why I haven't gone to school in May yet and why there are no post during the 2nd to the 4th of May.

I know I'm not ready for the mid-year exam yet, but one thing's for sure, I feel a lot better now.

All I can say is COME WHAT MAY.

Keep the faith.

Friday, May 01, 2009

1st of May


April came and went just like that. We're one step closer to PMR/SPM/STPM. One month older. Time is definitely not on our sides. That also means that I have less than a week to go. But let's not take the fun away just yet.

Because here comes the day that I'm sure most, if not all, of the teachers had been waiting for. It's more special than Teacher's Day and all around much more special than their own birthdays. Because, for once every year, they don't have to be where they usually are today -- that is, working!

Happy Labour Day, you all!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

A day before "Labore" day.

Congratulation to those who actually came.
Muhaimin (mestilah!)
Sean (honourable mention)
Ram (because he didn't come the day before)
Jon (same as Ram)
Syahmi (this guy is so random)
Nau (same as Jon)
Syakirin (because he stays at the hostel)
Harpreet (man of the hour)
Jaya (I think he came)
Sorry about that. My memory is so full of science facts and Malaysian histories that I cannot remember.

Anyway, here's what we did:
1st period: English. Since there wasn't a lot of people in class, a wordplay was in order!

2nd period: 1/2 of Physics. Mr Ng decided to go ahead with teaching. Too bad for those who didn't come.

3rd period: Pameran Kerjaya. Private and government colleges people came by today to promote their schools. Famous ones such as Sunway, Taylor's, UTM and Olympia. And then, there are the less glamourous such as PJCAD. Here are some pictures:
Thinking of our futures.

Some people got a thing for UTM. I, on the other hands, have set my eyes on Sunway and Taylor's.

4th period: Ahh, free period at last.

5th period: 2nd-half of Chemistry.

Spell it out with me -- R-E-C-E-S-S -- what's that spell? Homework! Homework? Yes, recess is the time we catch up on or homework.

6th and 7th period: Maths.

8th period: Malay litreature (read: Komsas)

9th and 10th period: Add Math. Cik Aida is finally back. After 3 days of meeting. She's back! But she was coughing the entire time. I'm concerned.


Good thing tomorrow's a day off.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Darkness envelopes.

Rarely does it rain in the morning. Usually, the liquid drops early in the evening. But I guess today was a very rare day because the beginning of it was wet. And EC gets really dark when it rains.

It just went on like that, without warning.

And the raindrops keep falling on my head...

Even the classroom looks dark. Here's my table. It looks cooler in dimmed light. It's just wrapping paper.

I came early to the bio lab during bio period. Again, it's dark from the inside.

This guy didn't seem to mind. He's used to being alone in the dark.

This is what we learned in bio class today.

When we arrived at the physics lab, there are these Antimos thing lying on the table. It's to repel mosquitoes. And it worked, I guess. Mosquitoes be gone!

And then, the sun came out again and the rain was gone.

In the light, I noticed that the rain wasn't the only thing that was gone.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Bruises will Remind Me what You did when You were Awake.

and that will be my next article.

Monday, April 27, 2009


What you are about to see is highly classified material.
*Viewer discretion is advised.

DoD (7) 3-23-09
NGTA 901-836


DOCUMENT #MYGX-3230-c005


Sunday, April 26, 2009

The best the world has yet to offer

*I bet you saw this type of post coming. Now what would a school blog be if it didn't have a post about the best teacher?

Pn Aishah

She's been teaching me English since last year. I know mostly NOTHING about her other than she's the best English teacher I've ever had (other than Mrs Tan, Form 2). She talks a lot and quite loudly too. I went to her house once, last year. And that's pretty much it. She marks my test paper. She gave the scores for my oral tests. Everything I know about English for the last two years I know from her.

But most importantly, I trust her.

I let her read some of the stories I wrote that even my family don't know about. I let her criticize me because I believe in her judgement. She's funny. She's kind. She's sarcastic, some of the time. She's sardonic. She's beautiful and very tall (not sure how that has anything to do with anything at all, but still). And best of all, she's not as moody or as strict or as quickly-pissed-off or as Kathy-Bates-playing-Annie-Wilkes-type-of-obsess (oh, don't tell me you haven't read Misery by Stephen King) as some teachers might be. But the thing is, I never really consider her as the best teacher until quite recently.

Why the sudden realization?

Well, I've taken up quite a few tuition classes this year (read: SPM preparation). I've never gone to any tuition classes before so this would be a first for me.

The teacher at the tuition centre teaches like she's in primary school. Most likely because the students there are so weak in English (they have to memorise the meanings of certain words and such). I've come to be the best in that class. Now, in my class (5C, not the tuition centre), I've always see myself a bit behind of everyone else. Whatever I do is never good enough. My exam scores are never high enough. The stories I wrote are never interesting enough. My oral tests are never right enough. Et cetera.

But then I go back to the tuition centre (every Wednesday may I add), and what I see there is a class of unfortunate people. I feel sorry for them. I feel glad for myself. I thank God for my teachers at school. And then I've come to realize how good a teacher Pn Aishah is.

I may say stupid things during her class, but that's just me trying to be funny.

Nor Aishah bt. Zainal, you have no idea how much I appreciate you.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

'Mesyuarat PIBG' and 'Hari Anugerah Cemerlang'; Part II: The real thing.

Previously on 'Mesyuarat PIBG' and 'Hari Anugerah Cemerlang'...

The final result: An empty hall filled with chairs and tables, ready to be used for any meeting or occasion.

And then come the real thing. Today was the Hari Anugerah Cemerlang and Mesyuarat PIBG. I came early, before 8:ooAM, and most of the students and teachers involved came even earlier.

The meeting starts at 8:ooAM and then at around 10:00AM, the VIP, YB Dato' Razali HJ Ibrahim, came and give his word or two and then we proceed with the awards just before the closing ceremony.

As simple as that.

Here's what the hall looks like today. Quite full.

And here are some pictures of us waiting to do our parts; enjoy:

Hadri, Salihin and Azlan fiddling with the drums.

Encik Azmi's turn to fiddle with the drums. Haha. You can tell that we were waiting anxiously.

Salihin showing Hadri some silat moves. Show-off!

Police Cadet; briefing...

...with the juniors as well. Just before the arrival.

Here we go. Everyone, get to your places!

The moment of truth.

First up was the silat. We were so nervous but we kept our minds focused during the performance and we did well, in my opinion.

And then the gamelan boys, today in white Baju Melayu, played their song. They did their thing and did it quite well, too.

As soon as the VIP and teachers sat down, the zapin performance started. The picture is a bit blurry because I have to take it from the back of the hall, but those kids were good.

Opening speeches by the VIP and the Headmaster.

Our happy captain Amirul Hakim after the award ceremony.

And our PJ teacher Encik Fahmi.

And some other people whose picture I've taken but did not post it here because of the lack of time and space; you know who you are. And congratulation to all of the winners.

After that, the VIP left and the parents followed soon after.

The hall was empty again. I left, too, right after I took this picture of a humming bird. I've never seen one up close before.